Students in Canada and the Czech Republic - socioeconomic factors and their impact
Název práce: | Students in Canada and the Czech Republic - socioeconomic factors and their impact |
Autor(ka) práce: | Hellingman, Sean |
Typ práce: | Diploma thesis |
Vedoucí práce: | Mazouch, Petr |
Oponenti práce: | Jirková, Michaela |
Jazyk práce: | English |
Abstrakt: | This thesis examines the choices of individuals with respect to higher education in the Czech Republic and Canada. Specifically, how does the students’ socioeconomic backgrounds influence their study decisions. Data from the Czech The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey and the Canadian Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics were used to identify and quantify the magnitude of the influences of students’ entry to university. Furthermore, data from the Czech EUROSTUDENT and the Canadian National Graduates Survey was used to see how students and graduates’ socioeconomic backgrounds influenced their choice in study field. Individuals from more households with higher socioeconomic status were more likely to enter university than people who were less well off in both countries. However, the impact of this social selectivity seems to differ between the two nations. The choice of study field is significantly influenced by the individual’s socioeconomic background in similar ways in both nations. Social selectivity is ever present in higher education in the Czech Republic and Canada. |
Klíčová slova: | higher education; social selectivity; logistic regression |
Název práce: | Students in Canada and the Czech Republic - socioeconomic factors and their impact |
Autor(ka) práce: | Hellingman, Sean |
Typ práce: | Diplomová práce |
Vedoucí práce: | Mazouch, Petr |
Oponenti práce: | Jirková, Michaela |
Jazyk práce: | English |
Abstrakt: | This thesis examines the choices of individuals with respect to higher education in the Czech Republic and Canada. Specifically, how does the students’ socioeconomic backgrounds influence their study decisions. Data from the Czech The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey and the Canadian Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics were used to identify and quantify the magnitude of the influences of students’ entry to university. Furthermore, data from the Czech EUROSTUDENT and the Canadian National Graduates Survey was used to see how students and graduates’ socioeconomic backgrounds influenced their choice in study field. Individuals from more households with higher socioeconomic status were more likely to enter university than people who were less well off in both countries. However, the impact of this social selectivity seems to differ between the two nations. The choice of study field is significantly influenced by the individual’s socioeconomic background in similar ways in both nations. Social selectivity is ever present in higher education in the Czech Republic and Canada. |
Klíčová slova: | higher education; social selectivity; logistic regression |
Informace o studiu
Studijní program / obor: | Kvantitativní metody v ekonomice/Quantitative Economic Analysis |
Typ studijního programu: | Magisterský studijní program |
Přidělovaná hodnost: | Ing. |
Instituce přidělující hodnost: | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze |
Fakulta: | Fakulta informatiky a statistiky |
Katedra: | Katedra ekonomické statistiky |
Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě
Datum zadání práce: | 15. 11. 2017 |
Datum podání práce: | 13. 5. 2018 |
Datum obhajoby: | 11. 6. 2018 |
Identifikátor v systému InSIS: | |