Ambush marketing related to Olympic Games in Beijing

Thesis title: Ambush marketing v souvislosti s olympiádou v Pekingu
Author: Mátl, Jan
Thesis type: Bakalářská práce
Supervisor: Král, Pavel
Opponents: Dvořák, Jiří
Thesis language: Česky
Anotace Práce popisuje fenomén Ambush marketingu a identifikuje jeho možné využívání v souvislosti s olympiádou v Pekingu.
Keywords: sportovní reklama; propagace; Sponzorování; Licence; Ambusher
Thesis title: Ambush marketing related to Olympic Games in Beijing
Author: Mátl, Jan
Thesis type: Bachelor thesis
Supervisor: Král, Pavel
Opponents: Dvořák, Jiří
Thesis language: Česky
Annotation Work describes a phenomenom of Ambush marketing and identifies his possible exploitation in connection with The Olympic games in Beijing.
Keywords: Ambusher; Licence; Sponzoring; Sport Advert; Publicity/Propagation

Information about study

Study programme: Ekonomika a management/Management
Type of study programme: Bakalářský studijní program
Assigned degree: Bc.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Management
Department: Department of Social Sciences

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 4. 9. 2008
Date of submission: 24. 4. 2009
Date of defense: 26. 5. 2009
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