Business plan Home for Elderly
Thesis title: | Podnikatelský plán Penzion pro seniory |
Author: | Vyšínová, Anna |
Thesis type: | Diplomová práce |
Supervisor: | Kešner, Martin |
Opponents: | Michněvič, Matouš |
Thesis language: | Česky |
Abstract: | Cílem diplomové práce je sestavení podnikatelského plánu penzionu pro seniory a zjistit rentabilitu projektu. V praktické části jsem se zaměřila na analýzu trhu v oblasti péče o seniory, predikci jejího vývoje v budoucnu a identifikaci příležitostí na trhu. Kvantifikovala jsem míru výnosnosti, dobu návratnosti investice pro potenciálního investora a stanovila kritické body projektu. |
Keywords: | Analýza trhu; Penzion pro seniory; Podnikatelský plán |
Thesis title: | Business plan Home for Elderly |
Author: | Vyšínová, Anna |
Thesis type: | Diploma thesis |
Supervisor: | Kešner, Martin |
Opponents: | Michněvič, Matouš |
Thesis language: | Česky |
Abstract: | The aim of this thesis is to create the business plan of the home for the elderly and to determine the profitability of the project. In the practical part, I focused on market analysis of elderly care, prediction of its development in the future and identification of market opportunities. I quantified the rate of return, payback period of investment for the potential investor and described the critical points of the project. |
Keywords: | Home for elderly; Market analysis; Business plan |
Information about study
Study programme: | Ekonomika a management/Podniková ekonomika a management |
Type of study programme: | Magisterský studijní program |
Assigned degree: | Ing. |
Institutions assigning academic degree: | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze |
Faculty: | Faculty of Business Administration |
Department: | Department of Management |
Information on submission and defense
Date of assignment: | 17. 2. 2010 |
Date of submission: | 31. 5. 2010 |
Date of defense: | 7. 9. 2010 |
Identifier in the InSIS system: | |