ECFA and Cross-strait Relations
Thesis title: | ECFA a čínsko-tchajwanské vztahy |
Author: | Kladivo, Pavel |
Thesis type: | Diplomová práce |
Supervisor: | Havlová, Radka |
Opponents: | Knotková, Vladimíra |
Thesis language: | Česky |
Abstract: | Práce se zabývá dopady uzavření Rámcové dohody o ekonomické spolupráci (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA) na vztahy mezi ČLR a Taiwanem. Prohlubující se vzájemná ekonomická spolupráce má dalekosáhlé dopady na politické vztahy mezi zeměmi, jež od příchodu Kuomintangu na ostrov a vzniku ČLR vedou spor o suverenitu nad ostrovem. |
Keywords: | Čína; Ekonomická integrace; Tchajwan |
Thesis title: | ECFA and Cross-strait Relations |
Author: | Kladivo, Pavel |
Thesis type: | Diploma thesis |
Supervisor: | Havlová, Radka |
Opponents: | Knotková, Vladimíra |
Thesis language: | Česky |
Abstract: | In June 2010 China and Taiwan finished negotiations on Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement. Work's focus is on the political impact of this economic agreement. After analyzing the main actars and factors influencing the development of corss-strait relations, author describes the negotiations and possible implications of the agreement. |
Keywords: | Taiwan; Economic integration; China |
Information about study
Study programme: | Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy/Mezinárodní a evropská studia - diplomacie |
Type of study programme: | Magisterský studijní program |
Assigned degree: | Ing. |
Institutions assigning academic degree: | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze |
Faculty: | Faculty of International Relations |
Department: | Department of International and Diplomatic Studies |
Information on submission and defense
Date of assignment: | 18. 5. 2010 |
Date of submission: | 1. 12. 2010 |
Date of defense: | 8. 6. 2011 |
Identifier in the InSIS system: | |