Phenomenon of the FDI: Investment Environment in the Countries of the Central Europe

Thesis title: Phenomenon of the FDI: Investment Environment in the Countries of the Central Europe
Author: Richtáriková, Zdenka
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Taušer, Josef
Opponents: Čajka, Radek
Thesis language: English
The Master Thesis deals with the investment environment of the Central European countries, familiarizes the reader with the phenomenon of foreign direct investment, and analyzes the macroeconomic environment in relation to the investment inflow and stock. It characterizes foreign direct investment in the global setting and outlines several internalization theories. Covering a wide range of various macroeconomic indicators that influence the investment favorability, the thesis compares Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia along with relevant concise analyses. Moreover, the foreign direct investment inflows and stocks are addressed and the investment inflow influence on national trade, especially export and import flows and trade ties, is presented.
Keywords: Internationalization; Macroeconomic Indicators; Investment Environment; Central Europe; Foreign Direct Investment
Thesis title: Fenomén priamych zahraničných investícií: investičné prostredie v krajinách strednej Európy
Author: Richtáriková, Zdenka
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Taušer, Josef
Opponents: Čajka, Radek
Thesis language: English
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá fenoménom priamych zahraničných investícií, analyzuje vzťah makroekonomického prostredia a investičných tokov a zásob. Charakterizuje priame zahraničné investície v globálnom prostredí a popisuje viacero teórií internacionalizácie vzhľadom na medzinárodný rast spoločností. Vo svetle mnohých makroekonomických ukazovateľov porovnáva Českú republiku, Maďarsko, Poľsko a Slovensko, analyzuje ich investičné prostredie a zároveň zobrazuje príliv a stav priamych zahraničných investícií. Venuje sa ich vplyvu na medzinárodný obchod stredoeurópskych krajín, najmä vzhľadom na exportné a importné toky a obchodné väzby.
Keywords: internacionalizácia; makroekonomické ukazovatele; stredná Európa; priame zahraničné investície; investičné prostredie

Information about study

Study programme: Ekonomika a management/International Business - Central European Business Realities
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of International Relations
Department: Department of International Business

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 9. 1. 2012
Date of submission: 15. 8. 2012
Date of defense: 20. 9. 2012
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