New political parties in Slovakia after the parliamentary election in year 2010 and 2012

Thesis title: Nové parlamentné politické strany na Slovensku po voľbách v roku 2010 a 2012
Author: Ambrózyová, Miroslava
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Müller, Karel
Opponents: Smetanková, Daša
Thesis language: Česky
Stranícky systém Slovenska v nedávnej minulosti osviežili svojim výskytom nové politické strany, ktoré na istú dobu výrazne ovplyvnili poltickú scénu. Cieľom mojej práce bolo zistiť, v čom tkvel úspech nových politických strán, ktoré sa dostali do parlamentu vo voľbách do NR SR v júni 2010 a v predčasných voľbách do NR SR v marci 2012. Na dosiahnutie tohto cieľa preto skúmam okolnosti vzniku, volebný program, pôsobenie nových strán vo vláde, ich volebnú kampaň a postavenie lídra daných politických strán. Práca je členená do štyroch hlavných kapitol, z ktorých prvá je venovaná teoretickému základu a definíciám, v druhej kapitole je priblížený slovenský stranícky a volebný systém, tretia a štvrtá kapitola sú analytickou časťou práce, v ktorej analyzujem strany SaS, Most-Híd a OĽaNO vo vyššie spomenutých rovinách. Analytickú časť práce uzatváram analýzou výsledkov volieb do NR SR v roku 2010 a predčasných volieb v roku 2012.
Keywords: stranícky systém; parlamentné voľby; politická strana
Thesis title: New political parties in Slovakia after the parliamentary election in year 2010 and 2012
Author: Ambrózyová, Miroslava
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Müller, Karel
Opponents: Smetanková, Daša
Thesis language: Česky
The Slovak political party system was shaken by new political parties, that emerged just recently and strongly influenced the political scene. The aim of the paper was to find out, what was the key of success of the the new political parties, which made it to the parliament in the parliamentary elections in June 2010 and in march 2012. In order to reach this goal I research the circumstances which lead to the establishment of these parties, their election program, the governmental period, the campaign and the role of the party leader. The paper is divided into four chapters, out of which the chapter one is dedicated to the teoretical background and definitions, the second chapter is putting light on the Slovak party and election system, the chapter three and four are the analytical core of the paper, in which I analyze the the political parties SaS, Most-Híd and OĽaNO in the above mentioned areas. I conclude the analytical part by the anlysis of the election results do the Slovak parliament in year 2010 and the preliminary election in the year 2012.
Keywords: parliamentary elections; political party system; political party

Information about study

Study programme: Politologie/Politologie
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of International Relations
Department: Department of Political Sciences

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 18. 10. 2011
Date of submission: 15. 5. 2012
Date of defense: 19. 9. 2012
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