The Visegrad Foreign Policies and the Kosovo Question

Thesis title: The Visegrad Foreign Policies and the Kosovo Question
Author: Raynova, Boryana Ivanova
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Maslowski, Nicolas
Opponents: Dubský, Zbyněk
Thesis language: English
The aim of the master thesis is to analyze the Visegrad foreign policies towards Kosovo and moreover the question of the development of its international status as a sovereign state. First, the focus is on the context of action of thoses four countries in a stategical and historical perspective. Then it is described how are constructed the foreign policies the Visegrad countries towards the specific question of Kosovo, taking into account the different national constraints and opportunities.
Keywords: Foreign Policy ; Kosovo ; Visegrad
Thesis title: Zahranicni politiky Visegradu vuci Kosovu
Author: Raynova, Boryana Ivanova
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Maslowski, Nicolas
Opponents: Dubský, Zbyněk
Thesis language: English
Cilem diplomove prace je analyzovat zahranicni politiky statu Visegradske ctyrky vuci Kosovu a dale otazku vyvoje mezinarodniho statusu Kosova jakozto suverenniho statu. Prace je zamerena na kontext akci techto ctyr statu ve strategicke a historicke perspektive. Dale je popsano, jakym zpusobem jsou tvoreny zahranicni politiky statu Visegradu ve vztahu ke specifickym otazkam tykajicim se Kosova, pricemz jsou zohledneny odlisne narodni omezeni a moznosti.
Keywords: Zahranicni politika; Kosovo; Visegrad

Information about study

Study programme: Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy/International and Diplomatic Studies
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of International Relations
Department: Department of International and Diplomatic Studies

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 6. 8. 2012
Date of submission: 1. 4. 2013
Date of defense: 11. 9. 2014
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