The challenge of implementing TPS in the Czech Republic: A study in cross-cultural management

Thesis title: The challenge of implementing TPS in the Czech Republic: A study in cross-cultural management
Author: Koža, Michal
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Brunet-Thornton, Richard
Opponents: Bureš, Vladimír
Thesis language: English
This master's thesis analyzes the possibilities of implementation of Toyota Production System within Japanese subsidiaries in Czech Republic. It explores the fit between the cultural values of Czech and Japanese management and the values incorporated in the Toyota Production System. In order to conduct the study, 79 companies were contacted, and survey responses from a total of 108 Czech and Japanese employees were collected. Data from the survey show that both Czech and Japanese employees have similar values related to work and neither job satisfaction nor number of conflicts is connected with TPS training. In the conclusion, areas for further research and more detailed elaboration are identified and presented.
Keywords: Management system implementation; Japanese subsidiaries; Cross-cultural management; Toyota Production System
Thesis title: Výzva implementace TPS v České republice: studie v mezikulturním managementu
Author: Koža, Michal
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Brunet-Thornton, Richard
Opponents: Bureš, Vladimír
Thesis language: English
Magisterská práce analyzuje možnost implementace Toyota Production System (TPS) v rámci poboček japonských firem v České republice. Zkoumá soulad mezi kulturními hodnotami českého a japonského managementu a hodnotami obsaženými v TPS. Za účelem vypracování studie bylo kontaktováno 79 firem, ze kterých bylo získáno 108 odpovědí od českých a japonských manažerů. Data z dotazníků ukazují, že čeští a japonští manažery mají velmi podobné hodnoty týkající se práce a ani spokojenost s prací, ani množství konfliktů nesouvisí s TPS tréninkem. Závěr práce identifikuje a představuje další oblasti pro hlubší výzkum.
Keywords: Toyota Production System; implementace management systémů; japonské pobočky; mezikulturní management

Information about study

Study programme: Ekonomika a management/International Management
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Business Administration
Department: Department of Management

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 28. 2. 2014
Date of submission: 1. 12. 2014
Date of defense: 3. 2. 2015
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