The Central bank of the Russian Federation's exchange rate policy and Russian ruble exchange rate during the period between 1992-2015

Thesis title: Kursová politika Centrálni banky Ruské Federace a vývoj kursu ruského rublu v období 1992-2015
Author: Shakirova, Karina
Thesis type: Bakalářská práce
Supervisor: Mandel, Martin
Opponents: Dvořák, Pavel
Thesis language: Česky
Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřená na kursovou politiku Centrální banky Ruské Federace a na analýzu vývoje měnového kursu ruského rublu v období 1992-2015. V první kapitole jsou popsány používané nástroje měnové politiky a historický vývoj kursové politiky Centrální banky Ruska. Druhá kapitola je zaměřená na empirickou analýzu kursu ruského rublu v období 2002-2015, je zkoumána závislost kursu rublu na vývoji sald platební bilance, míry inflace a cen ropy. Ve třetí kapitole je obsažen popis ekonomické situace v Rusku během hospodářské krize, která začala v roce 2014, jsou zkoumány její příčiny, průběh a pohyby kursu rublu v daném období.
Keywords: kursová politika; měnový kurs; empirická analýza; ruský rubl; hospodářská krize
Thesis title: The Central bank of the Russian Federation's exchange rate policy and Russian ruble exchange rate during the period between 1992-2015
Author: Shakirova, Karina
Thesis type: Bachelor thesis
Supervisor: Mandel, Martin
Opponents: Dvořák, Pavel
Thesis language: Česky
This bachelor thesis is focused on the exchange rate policy of the Central bank of the Russian Federation and on the analysis of Russian ruble exchange rate during the period between 1992 and 2015. In the first part the main instruments of the Central bank of Russia's monetary policy and history of its exchange rate policy are described. The second part is oriented on the empirical analysis of the ruble exchange rate for the period between 2002 and 2015, where the dependence between the ruble exchange rate and certain factors as the balance of payments, the inflation rate and the oil prices is researched. The third part contains a description of Russian economic situation during the recent economic crisis, which started in 2014. Its causes, its evolution and the dynamics of the ruble exchange rate during this period are analysed.
Keywords: economic crisis; empirical analysis; exchange rate policy; exchange rate; Russian ruble

Information about study

Study programme: Finance a účetnictví/Finance
Type of study programme: Bakalářský studijní program
Assigned degree: Bc.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Finance and Accounting
Department: Department of Monetary Theory and Policy

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 29. 10. 2015
Date of submission: 19. 5. 2016
Date of defense: 15. 6. 2016
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