Organization's business development i conditions of developing market

Thesis title: Adaptatsiya predpriyatiya v konkurentnoy srede
Author: Molotkova, Anastasia
Thesis type: Bachelor thesis
Supervisor: Vacík, Emil
Opponents: Alexeev, Vladimir
Thesis language: Русский
Predmetom bakalavrskoy raboty yavlyayetsya organizatsionno-ekonomicheskiye otnosheniya po podkhodu obespecheniya finansovoy ustoychivosti PAO Aeroflot v usloviyakh rynka. Tsel diplomnoy raboty - issledovat' podkhod PAO Aeroflot po obespecheniyu finansovoy ustoychivosti v usloviyakh konkurentnoy sredy. Kompaniya Aeroflot yavlyayetsya liderom rossiyskoy aviatsii, natsional'nym aviaperevozchikom strany. Bakalavrskaya rabota byla razdelena na tri osnovnyye chasti. V dannoy rabote pervaya glava posvyashchena teoreticheskim podkhodam k issledovaniyu obespecheniya finansovoy ustoychivosti organizatsii i osobennost'yu vliyaniya konkurentosposobnosti produktsii aviaperevozok, gde raskryvayetsya sushchnost', soderzhaniye i tsel konkurentosposobnosti, takzhe opredelena yeyo vzaimosvyaz s faktorom ustoychivosti razvitiya predpriyatiya i vyyavleny metody yeyo povysheniya. Vo vtoroy glave diplomnoy raboty provedena kharakteristika konkurentosposobnosti aviakompanii: predlozhena organizatsionnaya i ekonomicheskaya kharakteristika PAO Aeroflot, rassmotren analiz konkurentnoy sredy i otsenka stepeni adaptivnosti predpriyatiya k ney, a takzhe opredelena otsenka finansovogo sostoyaniya kompanii. V glave tretyey diplomnoy raboty byli opredeleny problemy i puti ukrepleniya finansovogo sostoyaniya predpriyatiya, dany rekomendatsii i predlozheniya.
Keywords: finansovyy analiz; Aeroflot; konkurentsiya; finansovyye pokazateli
Thesis title: Adaptation of enterprises in a competitive environment
Author: Molotkova, Anastasia
Thesis type: Bakalářská práce
Supervisor: Vacík, Emil
Opponents: Alexeev, Vladimir
Thesis language: Русский
The subject of the bachelor's thesis is organizational and economic relations in approach maintenance of financial stability Aeroflot in the market. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the approach of Aeroflot to supporting financial stability in a competitive environment. The company Aeroflot is the leader of the Russian aviation and the national airlines of the country. The Bachelor work is divided into three main parts. The first part is devoted to theoretical approaches to of the financial sustainability organization and influence the influence of factors on competitiveness of air transport. The work describes essential, content and goal of competitiveness, also determines its relations with factor of sustainable growth of enterprises and find out methods to improve it. The second part describes characteristics of the competitiveness of the airline. This report includes the organizational-economic features of Aeroflot, analysis and degree evaluation of survival of enterprises in the competitive environment, as well as determines assessment of the financial position of the company The third section describes the problems and ways to strengthen the financial position of the company, recommendations and suggestions.
Keywords: financial analysis; competition; Aeroflot; financial ratios
Thesis title: Organization's business development i conditions of developing market
Author: Molotkova, Anastasia
Thesis type: Bachelor thesis
Supervisor: Vacík, Emil
Opponents: Alexeev, Vladimir
Thesis language: Русский
The subject of the bachelor's thesis is organizational and economic relations in approach maintenance of financial stability Aeroflot in the market. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the approach of Aeroflot to supporting financial stability in a competitive environment. The company Aeroflot is the leader of the Russian aviation and the national airlines of the country. The Bachelor work is divided into three main parts. The first part is devoted to theoretical approaches to of the financial sustainability organization and influence the influence of factors on competitiveness of air transport. The work describes essential, content and goal of competitiveness, also determines its relations with factor of sustainable growth of enterprises and find out methods to improve it. The second part describes characteristics of the competitiveness of the airline. This report includes the organizational-economic features of "Aeroflot", analysis and degree evaluation of survival of enterprises in the competitive environment, as well as determines assessment of the financial position of the company The third section describes the problems and ways to strengthen the financial position of the company, recommendations and suggestions.
Keywords: Aeroflot; competition; financial ratios; financial analysis

Information about study

Study programme: Ekonomika a management/Ekonomika predprijatija i menedžment
Type of study programme: Bakalářský studijní program
Assigned degree: Bc.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Business Administration
Department: Department of strategy

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 9. 9. 2015
Date of submission: 15. 5. 2016
Date of defense: 15. 6. 2016
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