
Thesis title: Koncepce IT/IS firem SOPHIA FINANCE a Broker Trust
Author: Augusta, Jindřich
Thesis type: Bakalářská práce
Supervisor: Horný, Stanislav
Opponents: Šubrta, Václav
Thesis language: Česky
Tato bakalářská práce analyzuje stav IT a IS ve společnostech SOPHIA FINANCE a Broker Trust dále navrhuje jeho zlepšení a možný výhled do budoucnosti.
Keywords: -

Information about study

Study programme: Aplikovaná informatika/Podnikové informační systémy
Type of study programme: Bakalářský studijní program
Assigned degree: Bc.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Informatics and Statistics
Department: Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 2. 1. 2008
Date of submission: 2. 1. 2008
Date of defense: 2016

Files for download

The files will be available after the defense of the thesis.

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