The development of a banking product suitable for innovative startups
Thesis title: | The development of a banking product suitable for innovative startups |
Author: | Hanuška, Petr |
Thesis type: | Diploma thesis |
Supervisor: | Lukeš, Martin |
Opponents: | Andera, Michal |
Thesis language: | English |
Abstract: | The main goal of this master's thesis is to recommend what products or services should Komerční banka and Czech banks in general offer to startup companies in order to be considered more valuable business partners than they currently are. The theoretical part is dedicated mostly to describing sources of financing of a startup company with a focus on financing opportunities in the Czech market. The empirical part firstly analyzes the current product portfolios of the ten biggest commercial banks in the Czech Republic focusing on what they offer to startups and starting entrepreneurs. Secondly, it evaluates insights gained through in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs who participated in the primary research. They serve as the main information source for drawing up final recommendations which suggest that banks should employ bankers trained and experienced in dealing with startups so that they better understand their needs and how they function. Banks should also come up with a new innovative risk management tool that would enable better evaluation of startup businesses. |
Keywords: | In-depth Interviews; Innovation; Commercial Bank; Venture Capital; Business Angel; Startup Financing; Startup |
Thesis title: | Vývoj bankovního produktu pro inovativní startupy |
Author: | Hanuška, Petr |
Thesis type: | Diplomová práce |
Supervisor: | Lukeš, Martin |
Opponents: | Andera, Michal |
Thesis language: | English |
Abstract: | Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je navrhnout doporučení, jaké produkty či služby by Komerční banka a obecně banky v České republice mohly nabídnout startupům. Teoretická část se zabývá převážně nejčastějšími zdroji financování startup firem se zaměřením na možnosti v České republice. Empirická část nejprve analyzuje současnou nabídku bankovních produktů deseti největších komerčních bank v ČR a dále vyhodnocuje výsledky z rozhovorů s podnikateli stojícími ve vedení mladých startup firem. |
Keywords: | Rozhovory; Inovace; Komerční banka; Venture capital; Business angel; Financování startupů; Startup |
Information about study
Study programme: | Ekonomika a management/International Management |
Type of study programme: | Magisterský studijní program |
Assigned degree: | Ing. |
Institutions assigning academic degree: | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze |
Faculty: | Faculty of Business Administration |
Department: | Department of Managerial Psychology and Sociology |
Information on submission and defense
Date of assignment: | 11. 12. 2013 |
Date of submission: | 20. 8. 2014 |
Date of defense: | 12. 9. 2014 |
Identifier in the InSIS system: | |