The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of socioeconomic statusimpact in higher education and how social exclusion in higher education may be reduced. Itaims to answer which socioeconomic variables that impact a person’s decision to pursue ahigher education. The thesis also discusses how social exclusion in higher education can bereduced. The thesis practical analysis is based on data from the EU-Statistics on Income andLiving Conditions. Three countries are included in the ... show full abstractThe purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of socioeconomic statusimpact in higher education and how social exclusion in higher education may be reduced. Itaims to answer which socioeconomic variables that impact a person’s decision to pursue ahigher education. The thesis also discusses how social exclusion in higher education can bereduced. The thesis practical analysis is based on data from the EU-Statistics on Income andLiving Conditions. Three countries are included in the analysis; the Czech Republic, Swedenand the United Kingdom. The main statistical methods used in the thesis are the independentsamples t-test, the Mann Whitney U test and binary logistic regression. The results obtained bythe thesis are discussed and compared to previous research conducted within the same studyfield. |