Welfare Based Evaluation of Monetary Policy Conduct in the Czech Republic

Thesis title: Welfare Based Evaluation of Monetary Policy Conduct in the Czech Republic
Author: Nguyen, Nhat Linh
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Janíčko, Martin
Opponents: Potužák, Pavel
Thesis language: English
This thesis provides a welfare analysis of the inflation-targeting regime and its variationsthat take the nominal exchange rate stability into the consideration. The analysis donein this work aims to answer a question, whether there is a room for improvements in thecurrent Czech monetary policy framework. In particular, this work utilizes a dynamicstochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model of a small open economy and compares thecurrent inflation-targeting regime to its hypothetical variations that incorporate nominalexchange rate stabilization. The results presented in this work suggest that the incorporationof the exchange rate stability could be beneficial in terms of welfare. However, asindicated by a robustness test, these results are sensitive to the calibration of the modeland further research on this topic is advisable before making any conclusions. The othercontribution of this thesis is showing how to solve a small open economy model withoutlog-linearization. This allows solving the presented small open economy model and itsvariations using the higher-order approximation methods.
Keywords: Computable General Equilibrium Models; DSGE; Keynes; Monetary Policy; Comparative or Joint Analysis of Fiscal and Monetary Policy; Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
Thesis title: Analýza Blahobytu Monetární Politiky v České Republice
Author: Nguyen, Nhat Linh
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Janíčko, Martin
Opponents: Potužák, Pavel
Thesis language: English
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou režimu inflacního cílování a jejich alternativ,které berou v potaz stabilizacní politiku menových kurzu. Cílem práce bylo zkoumatdopady techto alternativ na ekonomický blahobyt. Práce využívá DSGE modelu otevrenéekonomiky pro srovnání hypotetických alternativ s aktuálním režimem. Výsledky zprveukazují pozitivní dopady na blahobyt pri zapojení stability menového kurzu vedle cenovéstability. Tyto výsledky jsou ale citlivé na kalibraci modelu a je doporuceno další testovánírobustnosti techto výsledku. Práce také ukazuje, jak vyrešit model otevrené ekonomiky bezpoužití log-linearizace, respektive jak vyrešit prezentovaný model použitím odhadovacíchmetod druhého a vyšších rádu.
Keywords: Keynes; Monetární Politika; Srovnávání Monetárních Politik; Modely obecné rovnováhy; DSGE; Makroekonomie a Monetární Politika

Information about study

Study programme: Ekonomie a hospodářská správa/Ekonomická analýza
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Economics
Department: Department of Economics

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 13. 9. 2018
Date of submission: 17. 12. 2018
Date of defense: 1. 2. 2019
Identifier in the InSIS system: https://insis.vse.cz/zp/65182/podrobnosti

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