Characterizing attributes influencing consumers’ behavior when choosing a restaurant using conjoint analysis

Thesis title: Characterizing attributes influencing consumers’ behavior when choosing a restaurant using conjoint analysis
Author: Sihlovec, Dominik
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Štěrbová, Ludmila
Opponents: Antonovic, Vladan
Thesis language: English
The goal of this master thesis was to examine and interpret different levels of attributes consumers evaluate when making a choice of visiting a restaurant with particular combination of such criteria. Out of four examined attributes, food quality, average price per meal, restaurant atmosphere and quality of service provided, food quality attribute ranked the most important with 40% importance level, followed by a 25%-important average price per meal, 20% importance in restaurant atmosphere, and lastly, only 15% has been recorded with the quality of service provided. These findings define to what extent and in what particular order these individual attributes are to be taken into account when establishing a restaurant business in terms of the average visitor. Moreover, average levels of attributes have been assessed as statistically insignificant and therefore not being an important driving source behind consumer choice. Difference between male and female sample sizes were also recorded, showing that female sample has deemed the average meal price and the atmosphere attributes more important than its male counterpart. Oppositely, the male sample has expressed a higher importance in terms of food quality and the quality of service provided.
Keywords: Consumer behavior; Gastronomic industry; Quantitative analysis; Marketing research; Conjoint analysis
Thesis title: Charakterizácia atribútov ovplyvňujúcich spotrebiteľské správanie pri výbere reštaurácie použitím conjointnej analýzy
Author: Sihlovec, Dominik
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Štěrbová, Ludmila
Opponents: Antonovic, Vladan
Thesis language: English
Cieľ tejto diplomovej práce bolo skúmať a interpretovať jednotlivé levely atribútov, ktoré sú zvažované potenciálnymi zákazníkmi pri výbere reštaurácie. Spomedzi všetkých skúmaných atribútov kvality jedla, ceny jedla, atmosféry reštaurácie a kvality servisu bola kvalita jedla vyhodnotená ako najdôležitejší atribút so 40% indexom dôležitosti, nasledovaný cenou jedla (25%), atmosférou (20%), a napokon kvalitou servisu (15%). Tieto skúmania definujú do akého rozsahu sa jednotlivé atribúty majú brať a ako k nim pristupovať pri zakladaní/optimalizovaní reštaurácie. Navyše, priemerné levely atribútov sa preukázali ako štatisticky nesignifikantné, a preukázalo sa, že priemerný spotrebiteľ sa riadi iba extrémne pozitívnymi alebo negatívnymi levelmi. Vo výskume sa takisto objavili rozdiely v rozhodovaní medzi pohlaviami; respondentky si vážili viac atribúty ceny jedla a atmosféry reštaurácie, zatiaľ čo sa respondenti rozhodovali pri kvalite jedla a kvalite servisu.
Keywords: Kvantitatívna analýza; Conjointná analýza; Marketingový výskum; Gastronomický priemysel; Spotrebiteľské chovanie

Information about study

Study programme: Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy/International Business - Central European Business Realities
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of International Relations
Department: Department of International Business

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 5. 11. 2020
Date of submission: 7. 11. 2020
Date of defense: 9. 11. 2020
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