Inclusion in Foreign Environmental Policy: The case of Indigenous People from Latin America

Thesis title: Inclusion in Foreign Environmental Policy: The case of Indigenous People from Latin America
Author: Valencia Herrera, Ailed
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Eberle, Jakub
Opponents: Weinfurter, Jaroslav
Thesis language: English
The thesis "Inclusion in Foreign Environmental Policy: The case of Indigenous People from Latin America" is an analysis based on postmodern perspectives of IR. The study aims to analyze the socio-political challenges that alter the inclusion of indigenous people from Latin America in Foreign Environmental Policy (FEP) through a qualitative design (collecting theoretical and empirical data). First, by identifying the challenges faced by indigenous people at a regional level, the study ... show full abstract
Keywords: Foreign Environmental Policy; Environmental inclusion; Indigenous People Inclusion
Thesis title: Začlenění do zahraniční politiky životního prostředí: Případ domorodých obyvatel Latinské Ameriky
Author: Valencia Herrera, Ailed
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Eberle, Jakub
Opponents: Weinfurter, Jaroslav
Thesis language: English
The thesis "Inclusion in Foreign Environmental Policy: The case of Indigenous People from Latin America" is an analysis based on postmodern perspectives of IR. The study aims to analyze the socio-political challenges that alter the inclusion of indigenous people from Latin America in Foreign Environmental Policy (FEP) through a qualitative design (collecting theoretical and empirical data). First, by identifying the challenges faced by indigenous people at a regional level, the study ... show full abstract
Keywords: zahraniční environmentální politika; inkluze domorodých obyvatel; environmentální začlenění

Information about study

Study programme: International and Diplomatic Studies
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of International Relations
Department: Department of International and Diplomatic Studies

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 22. 9. 2021
Date of submission: 25. 6. 2022
Date of defense: 6. 9. 2022
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