Economic diplomacy of Denmark under the first government of Mette Frederiksen (2019-2022)

Thesis title: Economic diplomacy of Denmark under the first government of Mette Frederiksen (2019-2022)
Author: Sušienka, Martin
Thesis type: Bachelor thesis
Supervisor: Votoupalová, Markéta
Opponents: Neuschl, Ondřej
Thesis language: English
The aim of the thesis was to study economic diplomacy of Denmark under the first government of Mette Frederiksen, in the period between June 2019 and December 2022. The thesis focused on evaluation of general goals and government-specific goals identified in strategic documents relevant to the given period. By means of quantitative analysis and content analysis, the thesis aimed at answering the research question “To what extent has the first government of Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen followed its goals and strategy in the area of economic diplomacy?” The analysis showed that the conduct of economic diplomacy of Denmark was rather successful, achieving the success rate of more than 80%, based on the chosen approach. Interviews with four high-ranking officials and managers were introduced at the end for the purpose of triangulation.
Keywords: economic diplomacy; evaluation of goals; Mette Frederiksen; Denmark
Thesis title: Ekonomická diplomacia Dánska počas prvej vlády Mette Frederiksen (2019-2022)
Author: Sušienka, Martin
Thesis type: Bakalářská práce
Supervisor: Votoupalová, Markéta
Opponents: Neuschl, Ondřej
Thesis language: English
Cieľom bakalárskej práce bolo skúmať ekonomickú diplomaciu Dánska počas prvej vlády Mette Frederiksen, teda v období medzi júnom 2019 a decembrom 2022. Práca sa zamerala na zhodnotenie všeobecných cieľov a vládnych cieľov identifikovaných v strategických dokumentoch relevantných pre dané obdobie. Prostredníctvom kvantitatívnej analýzy a obsahovej analýzy sa práca snažila odpovedať na výskumnú otázku v znení „Do akej miery naplnila prvá vláda Mette Frederiksen svoje ciele a stratégie v oblasti ekonomickej diplomacie?“ Analýza preukázala, že uplatňovanie ekonomickej diplomacie dosiahlo úspešnosť vyše 80% v rámci vybraného postupu. Na konci výskumu boli zapojené rozhovory s vysoko postavenými úradníkmi a manažérmi za účelom triangulácie.
Keywords: Dánsko; ekonomická diplomacia; zhodnotenie cieľov; Mette Frederiksen

Information about study

Study programme: Mezinárodní studia a diplomacie
Type of study programme: Bakalářský studijní program
Assigned degree: Bc.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of International Relations
Department: Department of International and Diplomatic Studies

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 4. 10. 2022
Date of submission: 8. 12. 2023
Date of defense: 9. 1. 2024
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