Digitalization of business processes in a chosen company

Thesis title: Digitalizace byznys procesů ve vybraném podniku
Author: He, Anton
Thesis type: Bakalářská práce
Supervisor: Smrčka, Luboš
Opponents: Machek, Ondřej
Thesis language: Česky
Podrobný popis procesu identifikace byznys procesů, které potřebují digitalizaci, klasifikace těchto byznys procesů do kategorií (marketing, prodej, servis, personalistika), zkoumání a definice nástrojů digitalizace, praktické využití těchnto nástrojů pro vytvoření prototypů digitalizace byznys procesů a jejich implementace.
Keywords: Digitalizace; CRM; nabytkářský průmysl
Thesis title: Digitalization of business processes in a chosen company
Author: He, Anton
Thesis type: Bachelor thesis
Supervisor: Smrčka, Luboš
Opponents: Machek, Ondřej
Thesis language: Česky
Detailed description of the process of identifying business processes that need digitalization, classification of these business processes into categories (marketing, sales, service, HR), research and definition of digitalization tools, practical use of these tools to create prototypes of digitalization of business processes and their implementation.
Keywords: Digitalization ; CRM; furniture business

Information about study

Study programme: Podniková ekonomika a management
Type of study programme: Bakalářský studijní program
Assigned degree: Bc.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Business Administration
Department: Department of strategy

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 31. 10. 2022
Date of submission: 30. 1. 2025
Date of defense: 2025

Files for download

The files will be available after the defense of the thesis.

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