Turkey's relations with the Middle East: How does the competition with Iran affect Turkey's relations with Syria and Iraq?

Thesis title: Turkey's relations with the Middle East: How does the competition with Iran affect Turkey's relations with Syria and Iraq?
Author: Kaşıkara, Ali
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Weinfurter, Jaroslav
Opponents: Rolenc, Jan Martin
Thesis language: English
This thesis seeks to examine Turkey's foreign policy toward Syria and Iraq, with a focus on how its strategies are shaped by its competition with Iran within the broader Middle East. The research will demonstrate that Turkey and Iran have been historical rivals. This long-standing rivalry has had significant repercussions across the Middle East, occasionally bringing the two nations to the brink of conflict. Both Turkey and Iran have consistently sought to expand their influence within the region, engaging in a continuous struggle for regional dominance. The thesis aims to study how this dynamic continues to shape foreign policy decisions and regional security dynamics in the Middle East today.
Keywords: Turkey; Iran; middle east; competition; rivalry
Thesis title: Turkey's relations with Middle East: How does the competition with Iran affects Turkey's relations with Syria and Iraq?
Author: Kaşıkara, Ali
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Weinfurter, Jaroslav
Opponents: Rolenc, Jan Martin
Thesis language: English
This thesis seeks to examine Turkey's foreign policy toward Syria and Iraq, with a focus on how its strategies are shaped by its competition with Iran within the broader Middle East. The research will demonstrate that Turkey and Iran have been historical rivals. This long-standing rivalry has had significant repercussions across the Middle East, occasionally bringing the two nations to the brink of conflict. Both Turkey and Iran have consistently sought to expand their influence within the region, engaging in a continuous struggle for regional dominance. The thesis aims to study how this dynamic continues to shape foreign policy decisions and regional security dynamics in the Middle East today.
Keywords: middle east; competition; Turkey; Iran; rivalry

Information about study

Study programme: International and Diplomatic Studies
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of International Relations
Department: Department of International and Diplomatic Studies

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 20. 9. 2023
Date of submission: 6. 12. 2024
Date of defense: 9. 1. 2025
Identifier in the InSIS system: https://insis.vse.cz/zp/85500/podrobnosti

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