Design of online marketing strategy for Released Sneakers e-shop

Thesis title: Návrh on-line marketingové strategie pro e-shop Released Sneakers
Author: Tomšová, Barbora
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Mareš, Jan
Opponents: Svobodová, Ivana
Thesis language: Česky
Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem on-line marketingové strategie pro e-shop Released Sneakers. Cílem práce je připravit marketingovou strategii STP (segmentace, targetingu a positioningu), která vychází z principů diferencovaného marketingu. Na ni navazuje marketingová taktika 4P a je završena komunikační strategií a media plánem dle modelu STDC. V rámci segmentace byla využita data MML-TGI pro charakteristiku cílových skupin, dále pro analýzu webu byla využita data z analytických nástrojů Google Analytics, Google Ads, a pro UX analýzu byl proveden kvantitativní výzkum prostřednictvím dotazníku vloženého na web. V komunikačním mixu byly navrženy relevantní on-line kanály pro inzerci, strategie pro každý z nich a také definována doporučení ke stávajícím aktivitám e-shopu. Doporučení se zaměřují na web a SEO, placenou inzerci ve vyhledávačích, sociální sítě a e-mailing.
Keywords: marketingová strategie; marketingová taktika; digitální marketing; media plán
Thesis title: Design of online marketing strategy for Released Sneakers e-shop
Author: Tomšová, Barbora
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Mareš, Jan
Opponents: Svobodová, Ivana
Thesis language: Česky
This paper presents a design of an online marketing strategy for an ecommerce business called Released Sneakers. The paper aims to create a marketing strategy STP (segmentation, targeting, and positioning) based on the principles of marketing differenciation. The strategy is put into context of 4P marketing tactic, furthermore communication strategy and media plan are recommended according to the STDC model. There is also an uderlying analysis of MML-TGI data and datasets from Google Analytics. MML-TGI data was used to characterize the target groups used for marketing segmentation. Data from Google Analytics and Google Ads was used for web analysis. UX analysis in a form of a quantitative research was conducted through a questionnaire embedded on the website. Based on these factors, recommendations towards the marketing mix of Released Sneakres were proposed. Recommendations are mainly in the area of SEO, Paid search advertising, social media marketing and emailing.
Keywords: Marketing strategy; media plan; marketing tactics; digital marketing

Information about study

Study programme: Management
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Business Administration
Department: Department of Entrepreneurship

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 12. 10. 2023
Date of submission: 15. 5. 2024
Date of defense: 11. 6. 2024
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