Disruptive innovation in the semiconductor business, the advent of Chiplets

Thesis title: Disruptive innovation in the semiconductor business, the advent of Chiplets
Author: Camol, Giacomo
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Špaček, Miroslav
Opponents: Ulrich-Diener, Florian
Thesis language: English
The introduction of chiplet technology is about to cause a paradigm change in the semiconductor industry. Using Christensen's Theory of Disruptive Innovation as a framework, this study aims to investigate chiplets' potential to revolutionize market dynamics and industry norms. Combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies, this study employs a multi-faceted research methodology. It includes content analysis, contextual interviews with industry specialists, and thorough literature studies. In terms of technological, economic, and implementational considerations, our technique centers on comparing chiplets to conventional monolithic chip designs. Our goal is to examine the effects of chiplets on cost, performance, and market expansion in relation to the principles of disruptive innovation. In order to get a full picture of chiplet technology's function and reception in the business, interviews are planned to bring forth different points of view on the topic. By conducting this investigation, we hope to gain valuable insights into how chiplet technology could revolutionize semiconductor manufacturing and design. These findings could have far-reaching consequences for economic models and technological advancement in the high-tech industry.
Keywords: Disruptive Innovation; Semiconductor industry; Chiplet
Thesis title: Disruptive innovation in the semiconductor business, the advent of Chiplets
Author: Camol, Giacomo
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Špaček, Miroslav
Opponents: Ulrich-Diener, Florian
Thesis language: English
The introduction of chiplet technology is about to cause a paradigm change in the semiconductor industry. Using Christensen's Theory of Disruptive Innovation as a framework, this study aims to investigate chiplets' potential to revolutionize market dynamics and industry norms. Combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies, this study employs a multi-faceted research methodology. It includes content analysis, contextual interviews with industry specialists, and thorough literature studies. In terms of technological, economic, and implementational considerations, our technique centers on comparing chiplets to conventional monolithic chip designs. Our goal is to examine the effects of chiplets on cost, performance, and market expansion in relation to the principles of disruptive innovation. In order to get a full picture of chiplet technology's function and reception in the business, interviews are planned to bring forth different points of view on the topic. By conducting this investigation, we hope to gain valuable insights into how chiplet technology could revolutionize semiconductor manufacturing and design. These findings could have far-reaching consequences for economic models and technological advancement in the high-tech industry.
Keywords: Disruptive Innovation; Chiplet; Semiconductor industry

Information about study

Study programme: Management
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Business Administration
Department: Department of Entrepreneurship

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 13. 10. 2023
Date of submission: 15. 5. 2024
Date of defense: 13. 6. 2024
Identifier in the InSIS system: https://insis.vse.cz/zp/85983/podrobnosti

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