Economic Challenges of Spain’s Aging Population

Thesis title: Economic Challenges of Spain’s Aging Population
Author: Riestra, Jorge
Thesis type: Diploma thesis
Supervisor: Miskolczi, Martina
Opponents: Hon, Filip
Thesis language: English
The ageing of the population in Spain poses important economic challenges, especially with regard to the sustainability of the pension system. This thesis explores the multiple impacts of demographic changes on the Spanish pension system and labor market, analyzing historical trends, current challenges and future projections. Through a comprehensive review of demographic data, labor market conditions and pension system structures, this study identifies key areas for policy intervention. The research highlights the need for integrated policies that address demographic trends, improve labor market conditions and ensure the sustainability of pensions. The findings suggest that increasing legal immigration, improving labor market participation and reforming the pension system are critical steps to mitigate the economic impact of population ageing. This study contributes to ongoing policy discussions by providing practical insights and strategic recommendations aimed at maintaining economic stability and social welfare in Spain.
Keywords: Pension system; Population ageing; Life expectancy; Dependency ratio; Fertility; Social Security; Pay-As-You-Go system ; Intergenerational; Sustainable
Thesis title: Economic Challenges of Spain’s Ageing Population
Author: Riestra, Jorge
Thesis type: Diplomová práce
Supervisor: Miskolczi, Martina
Opponents: Hon, Filip
Thesis language: English
The ageing of the population in Spain poses important economic challenges, especially with regard to the sustainability of the pension system. This thesis explores the multiple impacts of demographic changes on the Spanish pension system and labor market, analyzing historical trends, current challenges and future projections. Through a comprehensive review of demographic data, labor market conditions and pension system structures, this study identifies key areas for policy intervention. The research highlights the need for integrated policies that address demographic trends, improve labor market conditions and ensure the sustainability of pensions. The findings suggest that increasing legal immigration, improving labor market participation and reforming the pension system are critical steps to mitigate the economic impact of population ageing. This study contributes to ongoing policy discussions by providing practical insights and strategic recommendations aimed at maintaining economic stability and social welfare in Spain.
Keywords: Pension system; Population ageing; Life expectancy; Dependency ratio; Social Security; Fertility; Pay-As-You-Go system ; Intergenerational; Sustainable

Information about study

Study programme: Economic Data Analysis/Data Analysis and Modeling
Type of study programme: Magisterský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ing.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Informatics and Statistics
Department: Department of Demography

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 1. 11. 2023
Date of submission: 27. 6. 2024
Date of defense: 2024

Files for download

The files will be available after the defense of the thesis.

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