The topic of this diploma thesis is the tourist guide qualification in the Czech Republic. The thesis itself is structured into 2 main chapters, which are the theoretical and practical parts of the whole piece. The theoretical part investigates current state of knowledge in the field of tourist guide work, its responsibilities, evolution, specifics, its legislation abroad and in the Czech Republic with the focus on the amendment to the Trade Act No. 117/2020 Coll. This introduces the main terms ... zobrazit celý abstraktThe topic of this diploma thesis is the tourist guide qualification in the Czech Republic. The thesis itself is structured into 2 main chapters, which are the theoretical and practical parts of the whole piece. The theoretical part investigates current state of knowledge in the field of tourist guide work, its responsibilities, evolution, specifics, its legislation abroad and in the Czech Republic with the focus on the amendment to the Trade Act No. 117/2020 Coll. This introduces the main terms and issues, that are essential for subsequent research. The practical part is devoted to the research itself, the main objectives, the methodology used and to the interpretation of the most significant results. The thesis concludes that there exists a specific difference between professional tourist guides and occasional (part-time) tourist guides in connection with their entitlement to obtain the license level II. according to the amendment to the Trade Act 117/2020 Coll. as well as their opinion on tightening of the conditions for proving the qualification to perform the tourist guide work. |