The aim of this thesis is to describe the effect of culture shock on exchange students during and after returning from an exchange stay. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the explanation of the concept of culture shock, symptoms of culture shock and factors that influence it. It describes several theoretical models related to culture shock including Oberg's U-curve model. Furthermore, the chapter briefly describes exchange stays, ... zobrazit celý abstraktThe aim of this thesis is to describe the effect of culture shock on exchange students during and after returning from an exchange stay. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the explanation of the concept of culture shock, symptoms of culture shock and factors that influence it. It describes several theoretical models related to culture shock including Oberg's U-curve model. Furthermore, the chapter briefly describes exchange stays, their history, motives, presents the Erasmus+ program and its goals. As part of the practical part, a questionnaire survey was conducted among former exchange students of the University of Economics and Business and the aim is to describe their overall cultural perception. The analysis deals with students' motivation to go abroad, bias about the host culture, culture shock itself, symptoms of culture shock, intercultural differences, differences on campus, the influence of a exchange stay on the personality of students, their life and relationship to other cultures. |