Country-level datasets for machine learning

Název práce: Country-level datasets for machine learning
Autor(ka) práce: Shih, Chien-Yu
Typ práce: Diploma thesis
Vedoucí práce: Kliegr, Tomáš
Oponenti práce: Chudán, David
Jazyk práce: English
This thesis explores the landscape of datasets and datasets repositories available for machine learning applications at the country level, focused on economic indicators and demographic information. The thesis focuses on examining and defining various criteria for evaluating datasets, including update frequency, data licensing, community engagement, and documentation completeness. The research encompasses a comparative analysis of datasets and dataset repositories, considering factors such as the number of countries covered, organization type, and the frequency of updates. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of data quality assessment.
Klíčová slova: Machine Learning; Data Quality; Data Analysis
Název práce: Country-level datasets for machine learning
Autor(ka) práce: Shih, Chien-Yu
Typ práce: Diplomová práce
Vedoucí práce: Kliegr, Tomáš
Oponenti práce: Chudán, David
Jazyk práce: English
This thesis explores the landscape of datasets and datasets repositories available for machine learning applications at the country level, focused on economic indicators and demographic information. The thesis focuses on examining and defining various criteria for evaluating datasets, including update frequency, data licensing, community engagement, and documentation completeness. The research encompasses a comparative analysis of datasets and dataset repositories, considering factors such as the number of countries covered, organization type, and the frequency of updates. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of data quality assessment.
Klíčová slova: Data Analysis; Machine Learning; Data Quality

Informace o studiu

Studijní program / obor: Information Systems Management
Typ studijního programu: Magisterský studijní program
Přidělovaná hodnost: Ing.
Instituce přidělující hodnost: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Fakulta: Fakulta informatiky a statistiky
Katedra: Katedra informačního a znalostního inženýrství

Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě

Datum zadání práce: 19. 1. 2023
Datum podání práce: 24. 6. 2024
Datum obhajoby: 2024

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