Impacts of deep-seabed mining of polymetallic nodules on the supply of critical minerals necessary for electric vehicle batteries

Název práce: Impacts of deep-seabed mining of polymetallic nodules on the supply of critical minerals necessary for electric vehicle batteries
Autor(ka) práce: Al Azhari, Mohamad
Typ práce: Diploma thesis
Vedoucí práce: Hudík, Marek
Oponenti práce: Sharfaei, Shahab
Jazyk práce: English
In recent years, the demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and their critical minerals, whose supply is at risk for disruption, has increased following the boom in the electric vehicle industry. However, as an alternative to terrestrial ores, polymetallic nodules (PMNs) have attracted attention due to their high metallic content. Critical knowledge in terms of understanding the potential of these nodules to alleviate the supply risks of LIB minerals is needed to evaluate the impacts of relying on these resources as a long-term solution to mitigate risks. In this regard, the thesis conducts a systematic review of previous literature. Eleven studies were included in the review and four themes emerged under which PMNs can serve as an alternative resource to mitigate the risks: economic viability, technological advancements, ethical considerations, and legal and regulatory frameworks. Most importantly, the study emphasizes the need for future research into the socio-economic aspects of PMNs to guarantee a sustainable management of these resources.
Klíčová slova: Electric vehicles; Lithium-ion batteries; Critical minerals; Polymetallic nodules
Název práce: Impacts of deep-seabed mining of polymetallic nodules on the supply of critical minerals necessary for electric vehicle batteries
Autor(ka) práce: Al Azhari, Mohamad
Typ práce: Diplomová práce
Vedoucí práce: Hudík, Marek
Oponenti práce: Sharfaei, Shahab
Jazyk práce: English
In recent years, the demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and their critical minerals, whose supply is at risk for disruption, has increased following the boom in the electric vehicle industry. However, as an alternative to terrestrial ores, polymetallic nodules (PMNs) have attracted attention due to their high metallic content. Critical knowledge in terms of understanding the potential of these nodules to alleviate the supply risks of LIB minerals is needed to evaluate the impacts of relying on these resources as a long-term solution to mitigate risks. In this regard, the thesis conducts a systematic review of previous literature. Eleven studies were included in the review and four themes emerged under which PMNs can serve as an alternative resource to mitigate the risks: economic viability, technological advancements, ethical considerations, and legal and regulatory frameworks. Most importantly, the study emphasizes the need for future research into the socio-economic aspects of PMNs to guarantee a sustainable management of these resources.
Klíčová slova: Polymetallic nodules; Lithium-ion batteries; Critical minerals; Electric vehicles

Informace o studiu

Studijní program / obor: Management
Typ studijního programu: Magisterský studijní program
Přidělovaná hodnost: Ing.
Instituce přidělující hodnost: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Fakulta: Fakulta podnikohospodářská
Katedra: Katedra manažerské ekonomie

Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě

Datum zadání práce: 1. 11. 2022
Datum podání práce: 15. 5. 2023
Datum obhajoby: 7. 6. 2023
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