Value perception: managing and measuring value from the project and product management perspective

Název práce: Value perception: managing and measuring value from the project and product management perspective
Autor(ka) práce: Kosovrasti, Ergys
Typ práce: Diploma thesis
Vedoucí práce: Kučera, Jan
Oponenti práce: Takáčová, Gabriela
Jazyk práce: English
The master thesis explores the notion of value while focusing on how value is perceived, managed, and measured throughout the project and product lifecycle. The research continues by analyzing the context of startups and small companies regarding value management practices, with the aim of creating a set of supportive guidelines. Interviews and a workshop session with participants from a SaaS startup company were conducted to gather and incorporate real-world perspectives into the research. The research utilizes methodologies such as a Systematic Literature Review and an adaptation of the Design Science Research Methodology to achieve its objectives, resulting in the creation of an artifact. The artifact serves as a starting point for creating a comprehensive guide aimed at value management practices in startups and small companies and remains available in a public GitHub repository, enabling continuous updates to reflect the current state of best practices and emerging trends.
Klíčová slova: Product Management; Value Management; Guidelines for startups and small companies; Project Management
Název práce: Value perception: managing and measuring value from the project and product management perspective
Autor(ka) práce: Kosovrasti, Ergys
Typ práce: Diplomová práce
Vedoucí práce: Kučera, Jan
Oponenti práce: Takáčová, Gabriela
Jazyk práce: English
The master thesis explores the notion of value while focusing on how value is perceived, managed, and measured throughout the project and product lifecycle. The research continues by analyzing the context of startups and small companies regarding value management practices, with the aim of creating a set of supportive guidelines. Interviews and a workshop session with participants from a SaaS startup company were conducted to gather and incorporate real-world perspectives into the research. The research utilizes methodologies such as a Systematic Literature Review and an adaptation of the Design Science Research Methodology to achieve its objectives, resulting in the creation of an artifact. The artifact serves as a starting point for creating a comprehensive guide aimed at value management practices in startups and small companies and remains available in a public GitHub repository, enabling continuous updates to reflect the current state of best practices and emerging trends.
Klíčová slova: Project Management; Product Management; Value Management; Guidelines for startups and small companies

Informace o studiu

Studijní program / obor: Information Systems Management
Typ studijního programu: Magisterský studijní program
Přidělovaná hodnost: Ing.
Instituce přidělující hodnost: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Fakulta: Fakulta informatiky a statistiky
Katedra: Katedra informačních technologií

Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě

Datum zadání práce: 6. 10. 2023
Datum podání práce: 26. 6. 2024
Datum obhajoby: 2024

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