Communication of Machine Learning Results Through Tabular Outputs
Název práce: | Communication of machine learning results through tabular outputs |
Autor(ka) práce: | Colak, Bariscan |
Typ práce: | Diploma thesis |
Vedoucí práce: | Kliegr, Tomáš |
Oponenti práce: | Berka, Petr |
Jazyk práce: | English |
Abstrakt: | The field of data mining constantly pursues the development of predictive models, crucial for various applications. While much emphasis is placed on improving the accuracy of these models, their comprehensibility to analysts and end-users is an often overlooked aspect. This thesis addresses this gap by presenting an empirical study that investigates the interpretability of alternative representation format, with a specific focus on decision trees and decision tables. In our research, decision trees are identified as challenging to read and understand, prompting the exploration of a solution. Motivated by the objective of enhancing model interpretability, we propose the development of a Python program designed to convert complex decision trees into more accessible decision tables. Decision tables, known for their clarity and ease of interpretation, emerge as a favorable alternative. |
Klíčová slova: | Machine Learning; Data Mining; Decision Trees; Decision Tables |
Název práce: | Communication of Machine Learning Results Through Tabular Outputs |
Autor(ka) práce: | Colak, Bariscan |
Typ práce: | Diplomová práce |
Vedoucí práce: | Kliegr, Tomáš |
Oponenti práce: | Berka, Petr |
Jazyk práce: | English |
Abstrakt: | The field of data mining constantly pursues the development of predictive models, crucial for various applications. While much emphasis is placed on improving the accuracy of these models, their comprehensibility to analysts and end-users is an often overlooked aspect. This thesis addresses this gap by presenting an empirical study that investigates the interpretability of alternative representation format, with a specific focus on decision trees and decision tables. In our research, decision trees are identified as challenging to read and understand, prompting the exploration of a solution. Motivated by the objective of enhancing model interpretability, we propose the development of a Python program designed to convert complex decision trees into more accessible decision tables. Decision tables, known for their clarity and ease of interpretation, emerge as a favorable alternative. |
Klíčová slova: | Machine Learning; Data Mining; Decision Trees; Decision Tables |
Informace o studiu
Studijní program / obor: | Information Systems Management |
Typ studijního programu: | Magisterský studijní program |
Přidělovaná hodnost: | Ing. |
Instituce přidělující hodnost: | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze |
Fakulta: | Fakulta informatiky a statistiky |
Katedra: | Katedra informačního a znalostního inženýrství |
Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě
Datum zadání práce: | 26. 10. 2023 |
Datum podání práce: | 1. 12. 2024 |
Datum obhajoby: | 20. 1. 2025 |
Identifikátor v systému InSIS: | |