Compatibility of Western and Islamic Models of Democracy: A Comparative Analysis

Thesis title: Compatibility of Western and Islamic Models of Democracy: A Comparative Analysis
Author: Šrámek, Ondřej
Thesis type: Dissertation thesis
Supervisor: Prorok, Vladimír
Opponents: Barša, Pavel; Beránek, Ondřej; Breiner, Peter
Thesis language: English
The thesis looks at compatibility of Islam and democracy in a new way. The main method is analysis of political ideologies. A number of models of democracy are identified in both the Western and Islamic context. These are then originally compared in a framework of classification by the source of political sovereignty and political action.
Keywords: Islamic political thought; democracy; Islam; Western democracy
Thesis title: Compatibility of Western and Islamic Models of Democracy: A Comparative Analysis
Author: Šrámek, Ondřej
Thesis type: Disertační práce
Supervisor: Prorok, Vladimír
Opponents: Barša, Pavel; Beránek, Ondřej; Breiner, Peter
Thesis language: English
Práce se zabývá problémem kompatbilty islámu a demokracie novým pohledem. Jako hlavní metodu využívá analýzu politických ideologií. Identifikuje skupinu modelů demokracie jak v západním tak islámském kontextu a originálně je porovnává pomocí klasifikace těchto modelů podle zdroje politické suverenity a aktivity.
Keywords: modely demokracie; islámské politické myšlení; islám; demokracie

Information about study

Study programme: Politologie/Politologie
Type of study programme: Doktorský studijní program
Assigned degree: Ph.D.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of International Relations
Department: Department of Political Sciences

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 30. 9. 2004
Date of submission: 30. 9. 2009
Date of defense: 24. 9. 2010
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