Japanese corporate culture – comparison with Czech republic

Thesis title: Japonská firemní kultura - porovnání s ČR
Author: Adam, Michael
Thesis type: Bakalářská práce
Supervisor: Kašparová, Eva
Opponents: Domiterová, Zuzana
Thesis language: Česky
Cílem této bakalářské práce je nejprve popsat obecnou koncepci firemní kultury a následně definovat její části. Práce poté věnuje pozornost japonské a české firemní kultuře a rozdílům mezi nimi. V návaznosti na tyto teoretické informace se práce zabývá analýzou specifické firemní kultury. Analýza je prováděna na základě informací, které byly získány ve spolupráci s japonskou firmou Precision Tools Service Czech s.r.o., jež působí v ČR od roku 2003.
Keywords: model organizační kultury; firemní kultura; Hofstedeho 5D model; definice kultury
Thesis title: Japanese corporate culture – comparison with Czech republic
Author: Adam, Michael
Thesis type: Bachelor thesis
Supervisor: Kašparová, Eva
Opponents: Domiterová, Zuzana
Thesis language: Česky
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is at first to describe the general concept of corporate culture and subsequently to define its parts. The thesis then pays attention to Japanese and Czech corporate culture and the differences between them. Following these theoretical information the thesis deals with analysis of specific corporate culture. Analysis is based on information that has been acquired in cooperation with Japanese company Precision Tools Service Czech s.r.o. which operates in Czech Republic since 2003.
Keywords: organizational culture model; Corporate culture; Hofstede 5D model; definition of culture

Information about study

Study programme: Ekonomika a management/Podniková ekonomika a management
Type of study programme: Bakalářský studijní program
Assigned degree: Bc.
Institutions assigning academic degree: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Faculty: Faculty of Business Administration
Department: Department of Managerial Psychology and Sociology

Information on submission and defense

Date of assignment: 17. 12. 2013
Date of submission: 15. 5. 2015
Date of defense: 15. 6. 2015
Identifier in the InSIS system: https://insis.vse.cz/zp/45937/podrobnosti

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