Data mining on public data
Thesis title: | Data mining ve veřejných datech |
Author: | Borodin, Dmitry |
Thesis type: | Bakalářská práce |
Supervisor: | Rauch, Jan |
Opponents: | Chudán, David |
Thesis language: | Česky |
Abstract: | Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na použití data miningu na veřejných datech. Pro účely práce byla vybrána databáze teroristických činů (GTD). Analýza bude prováděna pomocí procedur CF-Miner a SD4ft-Miner systému LISp-Miner, který je akademickým systémem pro dobývání znalostí z databází. Práce obsahuje teoretickou část, úvod do doménové oblasti, řešení a interpretace analytických otázek. Hlavním cílem je nalezení odpovědí na položené analytické otázky. |
Keywords: | Data mining; GTD; LISp-Miner; CF-Miner; SD4ft-Miner |
Thesis title: | Data mining on public data |
Author: | Borodin, Dmitry |
Thesis type: | Bachelor thesis |
Supervisor: | Rauch, Jan |
Opponents: | Chudán, David |
Thesis language: | Česky |
Abstract: | This bachelor thesis is focused on the use of data mining on public data. As a purpose of this work, the database of terrorist acts (GTD) had been chosen. The analysis will be performed by means of the following procedures: CF-Miner and SD4ft-Miner of LISp-Miner system, which is an academic system for acquiring knowledge from databases. The thesis consists of theoretical part, introduction to the domain, solution and interpretation of analytical questions. The main objective is to find answers to the analytical questions which had been stated. |
Keywords: | Data mining; LISp-Miner; CF-Miner; SD4ft-Miner; GTD |
Information about study
Study programme: | Aplikovaná informatika/Aplikovaná informatika |
Type of study programme: | Bakalářský studijní program |
Assigned degree: | Bc. |
Institutions assigning academic degree: | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze |
Faculty: | Faculty of Informatics and Statistics |
Department: | Department of Information and Knowledge Engineering |
Information on submission and defense
Date of assignment: | 24. 11. 2016 |
Date of submission: | 11. 12. 2017 |
Date of defense: | 26. 1. 2018 |
Identifier in the InSIS system: | |