Analysis of HR Practices in a Selected Company
Název práce: | Current practices in recruitment and selection and the case of FrieslandCampina |
Autor(ka) práce: | Van Dam, Manouk |
Typ práce: | Diploma thesis |
Vedoucí práce: | Pauknerová, Daniela |
Oponenti práce: | Van Nuenen, Leanne |
Jazyk práce: | English |
Abstrakt: | We are currently living in a continuously changing world. Not only is everything being digitalized but we also see major trends like big data, artificial intelligence and the sharing economy arising. This does not only influence companies commercially, but it also has an influence on their way of recruiting. Where companies used to be checking CV’s and have face 2 face interviews, they currently use cultural fit tests, competence tests, games, video pitches and video interviews. This is a big change that might be easy for generation y, but generation x could be resistant. The aim of this thesis is to research the best way to recruit employees. It focuses on how recruitment processes change, what different ways of recruiting exist and what the best practices are. Thereby the candidate experience as well as the experience of the recruiters will be taken into consideration. The a focus will be on FrieslandCampina, its current recruitment process and how it might need to change its process to keep up with the current trends. |
Klíčová slova: | Recruitment; Selection; Gamification |
Název práce: | Analysis of HR Practices in a Selected Company |
Autor(ka) práce: | Van Dam, Manouk |
Typ práce: | Diplomová práce |
Vedoucí práce: | Pauknerová, Daniela |
Oponenti práce: | Van Nuenen, Leanne |
Jazyk práce: | English |
Abstrakt: | We are currently living in a continuously changing world. Not only is everything being digitalized but we also see major trends like big data, artificial intelligence and the sharing economy arising. This does not only influence companies commercially, but it also has an influence on their way of recruiting. Where companies used to be checking CV’s and have face 2 face interviews, they currently use cultural fit tests, competence tests, games, video pitches and video interviews. This is a big change that might be easy for generation y, but generation x could be resistant. The aim of this thesis is to research the best way to recruit employees. It focuses on how recruitment processes change, what different ways of recruiting exist and what the best practices are. Thereby the candidate experience as well as the experience of the recruiters will be taken into consideration. The a focus will be on FrieslandCampina, its current recruitment process and how it might need to change its process to keep up with the current trends. |
Klíčová slova: | Gamification; Recruitment; Selection |
Informace o studiu
Studijní program / obor: | Ekonomika a management/International Management |
Typ studijního programu: | Magisterský studijní program |
Přidělovaná hodnost: | Ing. |
Instituce přidělující hodnost: | Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze |
Fakulta: | Fakulta podnikohospodářská |
Katedra: | Katedra manažerské psychologie a sociologie |
Informace o odevzdání a obhajobě
Datum zadání práce: | 2. 10. 2017 |
Datum podání práce: | 13. 5. 2018 |
Datum obhajoby: | 31. 5. 2018 |
Identifikátor v systému InSIS: | |